
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I Can Regenerate! No, wait, I can't! Someone make up their mind...

If you haven't been watching Heroes, I suggest that you stop reading now. While I'm not going to be summarizing any episodes, sooner or later (right after this sentence!) I'm going to refer to something that just happened and I don't want to ruin your Heroes fix.

I'm a little confused about how regeneration works in the world of Heroes:

1) If Claire cuts off her toes, they'll grow back.
2) If the top of her skull is removed, it does not grow back. Would she have died if Sylar didn't take pity on her and put it back on? Who knows.

Why can't the bone that makes up her skull grow back just like the bones in her toes?

3) If you shoot Sylar, he won't die. His body will self-eject the bullets and he will regenerate.
4) If you put a shard of glass in Peter's head, he's immobilized and appears to be dead until someone else removes it. His body will not remove the impediment on its own.

If a body can eject bullets in order to regenerate, why can't it eject the glass?

Is a little consistency too much to ask for?!?

1 comment:

Rob said...

I think the "inconsistency" is along the lines of head damage being different than body damage.

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