
Monday, May 5, 2008

The Time I Met A Celebrity

One of my favorite chick flicks of all-time is "Sweet Home Alabama" starring Reese Witherspoon. She's so cute in that movie and what girl does not love having the entire Tiffany's store open to her?! C'mon!! Anyway, what else makes the movie so adorable is the two leading men, Patrick McDemsy (aka McDreamy, although he's actually too clean-cut in this movie for me) and Josh Lucas. Who is this Josh Lucas fella? After reading his bio on the Internet, I realized he was in all sorts of movies that I've seen before...Hulk, American Psycho, Beautiful Mind. But what does one say to a Josh Lucas in person? I didn't need to ponder too much because it all happened to me today.

Here was my conversation with my (officially) second favorite scruffiest guy on Earth (first, being Jander of course).

Josh: Hi, I'm Josh.
Me: Hi, I loved you in Sweet Home Alabama
Josh: Thank you very much.
Me: Can I take a picture with you?
Josh: Yes of course. (smile) (click click)
Me: Thank you (silly grin)

In case you wanted to know *how* I came about to meet the adorable blue eyed Josh Lucas, I will bore you with the details here. My coworkers and I decided to volunteer in our office for "Only Make Believe", a nonprofit organization that provides theatrical workshops to children living with chronic illnesses and disabilities. We spent our lunch hour gluing and bedazzling masks, caps, and necklaces for the children to wear while they put on the productions. It's a worthwhile cause and it was a lot of fun. Who knew that some glue, sparkles and feathers could be so fun? Halfway through making two necklaces from old CDs and a mask, I hear a shriek in the room. I turn to see HIM who just arrived and standing next to the door. I ask my friend Laura, who is he? He looked awfully familiar and honestly, I could not identify him right away. But then I remembered the same scruffy look in the movie "Sweet Home Alabama"! That's him!!!!! He was casually introduced to the crowd along with the second celebrity, Haley Mills. Now she was an older woman who I definitely did not recognize. But then I realized I know her as........(ahem, I'm dating myself here)....Ms. Bliss from Saved By The Bell!!! OMIGOD. MS BLISSSSSS.

Okay so I didn't take a picture with her and she's actually much shorter in person than I realized. She still has the long blonde hair that I remember. But back to Josh. I was still sitting in my chair waiting to decide if I should take a picture with him. I started removing the glue from my fingers (because I was not about to shake his hand with glue still stuck on me!). I turned to my other friend Yani, and said "let's go take a picture!" We walked past Ms. Bliss and vowed to take a picture with her as well (sadly, it did not happen). We waited in line and it seemed like a flock of other girls stood behind as as well. After he finished taking his picture with another woman, he turned to me and smiled. Sigh. Read conversation above. Oh why didn't I say my name when I introduced myself?

And then I took pictures of him with Yani and Laura, which they will happily post on their facebook profiles. Although they say it will be the only interesting item on their profile, I'm sure it will make their friends (and fiance) jealous. whoo hoo. Josh and Haley (yes, I can refer to them as friends now haha) did not stay very long probably because they had to stop at our other offices to say hello to the other volunteers. But that's it, my brush with a movie actor. (Although the very first one, is Keri Russell whom I still adore). If this was the only thing that happened to me this week, it would have made my *week*, nay *month*.


L.T. said...

I must have washed my hands like 50 times already, but I still have glue on my nails!

J.Lau said...

Cool (even though I still don't know who Josh Lucas is)

So why *didn't* you take a picture with Haley Mills?

Peggy said...

He was also in Poseidon with Emily Rossum.

No one was really taking pictures with Haley Mills...and it took me a while to figure out where I knew her from!

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